About us
About Islamic Center Japan
Islamic Center Japan
Islamic Center Japan traces its history to 1966, but it was formally re-organized in 1980. A legally recognized and registered organization, the Center is an independent, non-commercial and non-political organization of the Muslims in Japan.
The office bearers are elected by the general body. The finances are managed through donations, aid, membership fees, sale of literature and Islamic objects.
ICJ conducts such activities:
- Support everybody in Japan in order they to have more understanding about Islam until they finally agree to embrace Islam and ready for Shahadah.
- Teaching and follow-up of new converts.
- Certification of conversion to Islam
- Conduct and certification of marriage
- Distribution of Islamic free books to everybody who needs them either individuals or organizations.
- Halal certification
- Telephone consultation
- Lesson in reading of the Holy Quran
- Islamic classes for children and adults.
- Arabic language classes
- Arabic calligraphy
- Children Karate lessons and training.
المركز الإسلامي اليابان
يعود تاريخ المركز الإسلامي الياباني إلى عام 1966 ، ولكن أعيد تنظيمه رسميًا في عام 1980. وهو منظمة مسجلة ومعترف بها قانونًا ، وهو منظمة مستقلة غير تجارية وغير سياسية للمسلمين في اليابان.
يتم انتخاب أصحاب المناصب من قبل الهيئة العامة. تدار الأموال من خلال التبرعات والمساعدات ورسوم العضوية وبيع المؤلفات والمقتنيات الإسلامية.
يقوم المركز بمثل هذه الأنشطة:
ادعم الجميع في اليابان من أجل أن يكون لديهم المزيد من الفهم للإسلام حتى يوافقوا أخيرًا على اعتناق الإسلام والاستعداد للشهادة.
تعليم ومتابعة المسلمين الجدد.
شهادة اعتناق الإسلام
الاجراء والتصديق على الزواج
توزيع كتب إسلامية مجانية على كل من يحتاجها أفرادا أو منظمات.
شهادة الحلال
استشارة هاتفية
دروس في تلاوة القرآن الكريم
دروس إسلامية للأطفال والكبار.
دروس اللغة العربية
الخط العربي
دروس وتدريب أطفال كاراتيه.

In the last four decades, ICJ provided both moral and material support in the establishment of Mosques, Musallas, and Islamic organizations all over Japan. Thus the da’wah movement in Japan was built over many years and ICJ played a key role.
Now we are serving to meet the demands of the Muslim community in Japan in educating their children. ICJ devoted to the most current demands of Muslim community as follows:
1. Upbringing Muslim generation on the basis of Islamic teachings.
2. Preparing Japanese Islamic scholars who are capable of spreading knowledge and Islamic culture based on the modern doctrine brought to light by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Therefore, ICJ is giving more attention to Da’wah & Education project by establishing YUAI International School in Japan. ICJ also has been organizing several workshops and lectures on the basics of child education. Among Islamic teachings and education activities that ICJ has been practicing, holding 6 month training course to learn Basics of Islam for new a Japanese Muslims