7 August @ 8:00 am – 9 August @ 3:00 pm
Dear Respected Brothers and sisters
Islamic center of Japan (ICJ) with the cooperation of Muslim Organization WAMY,
is honored to invite you all to join the summer camp.
“Islamic life in a non-Muslim country: Chances and Possibilities”
☆ Activities: Lectures, workshops, discussions, Hiking, Games, campfire
BBQ, Arabic food,
☆Let’s spend three beautiful days with our friends and our families in the most wonderful place
☆Date: 2021 August 7th (Saturday ) 8:00 ~
2021 August 9th (Monday ) 14:00
Will be a three-day camp, on Saturday, Sunday and Monday
Camping at: Green Lodge, Enzan (Okubo Green Lodge)
☆ Place:
☆場所:塩山 大久保グリーンロッジ
住所:山梨県甲州市塩山上萩原4975−1大久保グリーンロッジ (木工芸館)
Yamanashi-ken, Koshu-shi, Enzan Kamiogihara 4975-1
Closest station: Enzan Station
Cost :
☆ Transportation: by bus from the Islamic center of Japan
Bus stop: in front of Tokyo Camii, Yoyogi Uehara station
☆ Departure time: 8:00 am SHARP .. please come before time so
you wouldn’t miss the bus
☆ Fees: Early bird registration (first 50 persons)
(Including food & accommodation and transportation(Bus)
Adults (from 12 years old): 6000 Yen
Kids (6-11 years old): 4000 Yen
Kids under 6 to 3 years old): 2000 Yen
For who will go by themselves :
Adults (from 12 years old): 2000 Yen
Kids (6-11 years old): 1000 Yen
Kids under 6 to 3 years old): Free
☆Payment Information:
Islamic center of Japan
Post office account : YUAI Gakuen no. 10160-46770361
☆please send a message to: info.at.yuai@gmail.com to confirm your
registration after payment
Please try to register as soon as possible due to the limited number of places available in the camp.
Please register here:-
For more information please call:
080-3277-1495 (English/Arabic)
080 3221 6766 (Arabic Japanese)
email : info@islamcenter.or.jp